10 Life Hacks

10 Life Hacks

According to Wikipedia, life hacks refer to any trick, shortcut, skill, or novelty method that increases productivity and efficiency, in all walks of life. I hope these life hacks will help you with the simple problems in your everyday life.

  1. Can’t fit two bowls in the microwave at the same time? Put one of the bowls on top of a cup.
  2. Place a rubber band around an open paint can to wipe your brush on. This keeps paint off the side of the can.
  3. Short on counter space? Open a drawer and place a cutting board on top.
  4. Keep tall boots upright by inserting a piece of a pool noodle.
  5. Use unscented dental floss to cut cakes, cheeses, and other soft solid foods.
  6. Use a muffin tin to serve condiments at your next party.
  7. Save your used ketchup bottle. Clean it out and fill with pancake mix to make perfect pancakes and eliminate slops.
  8. A comb makes a perfect nail holder. No more worries about hitting your fingers.
  9. In case of an emergency, a crayon will burn for thirty minutes.
  10.  Put cupcake liners in your car cup holders to catch crumbs and spills. Easy cleanup.

Enjoy your day!

Nancy Roe
