New Dictionary Words

New Dictionary Words

The Oxford Dictionaries occasionally adds new words. You may have heard or used the following words, but now they are officially in the dictionary.

  • fast-casual, adj.: denoting or relating to a type of high-quality self-service restaurant offering dishes that are prepared to order and more expensive than those available in a typical fast-food restaurant
  • hangry, adj.: bad-tempered or irritable as a result of hunger
  • cupcakery, n.: a bakery that specializes in cupcakes
  • awesomesauce, adj.: extremely good; excellent
  • butt dial, v.: inadvertently call someone on a mobile phone in one’s rear trouser pocket
  • brain fart, n.: a temporary mental lapse or failure to reason correctly
  • cat cafe, n.: a café or similar establishment where people pay to interact with cats housed on the premises
  • fur baby, n.: a person’s dog, cat, or other furry pet animal
  • MacGyver, v.: make or repair (an object) in an improvised or inventive way, making use of whatever items are at hand
  • mic drop, n.: an instance of deliberately dropping or tossing aside one’s microphone at the end of a performance or speech one considers to have been particularly impressive
  •  rando, n.: a person one does not know, especially one regarded as odd, suspicious, or engaging in socially inappropriate behavior

If you could make up a word, what would it be and what would be its meaning?

Nancy Roe
