What's in the Garden

What’s in the Garden?

Do you have a garden this year? Or is your idea of a garden the nearest produce department? Either way, eating fruits and vegetables is part of a healthy diet.

My husband and I don’t have a typical garden. I’m talking about one that’s a square plot of land with evenly spaced rows of veggies. Our garden is in four small plots in our front yard.

Can you guess the eight items growing in our yard? Most were started from seeds. It’s a passion of my husband’s – he loves to tinker with seeds, soil, fertilizer, and anything else related to growing. My husband has a green thumb (actually 2 green thumbs and 8 green fingers), which means we always have an overabundance of produce that our neighbors, colleagues, and bridge friends enjoy.

Here are the answers to what is growing in our yard:
1-Jalapeno Pepper; 2-Cucumber; 3-Eggplant; 4-Basil; 5-Scallions; 6-Cherry Tomato; 7-Beets; 8-Butternut Squash

How well did you do? Enjoy your summer!

Nancy Roe
