Beaded Pipe Cleaner Flowers

It’s Spring! This is my favorite time of year. I love watching the grass green up and flowers start to peek from their winter slumber.

To start enjoying flowers right away, why not make your own. These beaded flowers will brighten your home until the real flowers bloom.

Supplies (for one flower):

  • One 12-inch green pipe cleaner
  • Five 6-inch pipe cleaners (any color of your choice)
  • One 6-inch yellow pipe cleaner
  • Seventy-five Pony Beads (light greens, blues, purples, reds, yellows, or oranges)
  • Craft glue
  • Green bendable straw


  1. Thread 15 beads onto each of the five six-inch pipe cleaners, leaving space at each end.
  2. Twist together the ends of each pipe cleaner to make five tear-dropped petals.
  3. Twist the end of the first petal to the green pipe cleaner, leaving an inch at the end.
  4. Place the second petal next to the first, and twist around green pipe cleaner. Repeat for remaining petals.
  5. Tie the short end of the green pipe cleaner to the long end of the pipe cleaner, making it tight so no green shows between the petals.
  6. If necessary, bend your petals into shape.
  7. Roll the yellow pipe cleaner into a tight spiral.
  8. Glue the spiral to the middle of your flower.
  9. Insert the green pipe cleaner into the drinking straw so it will stand on its own.
  10. Insert the flower into a small-mouth vase.
  11. Make as many flowers as you desire.

This craft project would also make a fun gift for Mother’s Day.

Nancy Roe
