Host a Mystery Dinner

My sister, Dena, hosted a mystery dinner about 40 years ago and I still have my menu (see photo above). One of these days, I’m going to host my own mystery dinner. I’ve created a new menu and have the recipes in a file folder. A mystery dinner is great for a birthday party, girl’s night, or couple’s night.

What do you need for a mystery dinner?

  • a few good friends with a sense of humor (your guests)
  • a menu for each guest
  • a menu code
  • two kitchen helpers (who are not your guests)
  • the dinner (all 18 items offered in the menu)

First, create a menu of 18 items, including drinks and silverware. Then, create a “code name” for every item (this will be your menu code). The “code names” will be used for the menu for your guests. The idea is that each guest will create their own four-course meal from the “code names.” Keep in mind that your guests may order food without ordering silverware. That’s when the fun begins!

To host your own mystery dinner, here are the rules.

  1. Set the table with salt and pepper shakers and a centerpiece, if desired. Each guest receives a napkin and a plate. No silverware or drinking glass.
  2. When your guests are seated, hand each guest a menu and pen. No speaking is allowed while the guests create their own courses. Course 1 is 4 items, Course 2 is 5 items, Course 3 is 5 items, and Course 4 is 4 items. No menu item can be repeated.
  3. Gather all the menus (make sure everyone has written their name on the top of the menu) and with your kitchen helpers, serve the guests their first course. After each course, remove each guest’s plate. NOTE: Once a guest has received silverware, they may keep it for the rest of the meal.
  4. Repeat for all courses.
  5. Seconds may be served only after the last course.
  6. Return the menus to each guest and share the “code names” for each item.

When I made out my menu all those years ago, here’s what I chose for each course:

Course 1 – deviled egg, muffin, Jell-O salad, apple pie

Course 2 – water, potatoes, pineapple juice, spoon, olives

Course 3 – fork, cottage cheese, radishes, meat loaf, knife

Course 4 – toothpick, coffee, jelly roll, beans

As you can see from my selections, I had very interesting food combinations.

Enjoy hosting your own Mystery Dinner!

Nancy Roe



  1. Dena FISCHER October 30, 2019 at 9:13 pm -

    So much fun….especially when you did not order the silverware to eat your food!! A lot of work for a hostess, but well worth the surprised faces on the guests and the laughter!!

  2. Nancy Klein October 30, 2019 at 6:25 pm -

    I attended one of these dinners about 40 years ago… mother’s club at the time had one and it was hilarious!!