Senior Citizens Day

Senior Citizens Day

Did you know that 30 years ago, the U.S. Congress and President Ronald Reagan encouraged the public recognition of our senior citizens, their wisdom, their leadership and their contributions by declaring August 21, 1988 to be the first National Senior Citizens Day?

We are fortunate to live in a time when so many of our elderly are living lives of unexpected health and financial security, but such was not always the case. Throughout history, old age was not something an individual expected to reach, and so we lost the wisdom and experience of these individuals at an early age.

In 1900, the world average life expectancy was 31. In 1950, it increased to 48. In 2014, the world average life expectancy jumped to 71.5!

Things to Do on Senior Citizens Day:

  1. Set aside books, movies or games to enjoy with your senior loved ones. Establishing a fun routine that’s specially shared between grandkids and grandparents creates a positive expectation of quality time, as well as an opportunity for families to share some of their favorite activities with one another.
  2. Start a family history project. Interviewing senior loved ones about their memories and experiences gives them an opportunity to share wisdom and advice and provides a unique chance to start collecting those old family stories and photos.
  3. Practice random acts of kindness. Visit and talk with your loved ones even when they’re not expecting it. Drop in to their home or assisted living community for a chat.

Truly, it is the little things that end up being the most valuable—short visits and even quick calls to say hello.

How will you celebrate Senior Citizens Day?

Nancy Roe
