
Introducing Max and Addison

Introducing Max and Addison

Introducing Max and Addison…

10 Long Words

10 Long Words

Try and pronounce or use these words in conversation. Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis: (45) This is the longest word you’ll find in a major dictionary. This is the full scientific name for…

Describe Yourself in One Sentence

Describe Yourself in One Sentence

Have you ever pondered how you would answer if someone asked you to describe yourself in one sentence? The person has never met you before. How you answer will determine…

Overused Words

Overused Words

We’re all guilty of using clichés at some point or another, often without even realizing that we’ve done so. There are many ways to convey what you…

7 Tips to Write Powerful Sentences

7 Tips to Write Powerful Sentences

Whether you write a letter for your boss, to the electric company, or a Yelp review, writing a powerful sentence will make your words stand out and grab attention. My…

Sad News

Sad News

The Pillsbury Doughboy died yesterday of a yeast infection and trauma complications from repeated pokes in the belly. He was 55. Doughboy was buried in a lightly greased coffin. Dozens…

Midnight Revenge

Midnight Revenge

This story was first published in the CC Writer’s anthology Three Simple Words. Our instruction gave us three words (Willow, Sundown, Midnight) and we had to write a thousand…

Fun with Words

Fun with Words

Today is a day for fun…

Grammar Thoughts

Grammar Thoughts

A few grammar thoughts to get your day started…

Killer Nashville Writer’s Conference

Killer Nashville Writer’s Conference

Killer Nashville Writer’s Conference…