Helping Mom Clean the House

Helping Mom Clean the House

I begged Mom to let me help her clean the house. Little did I know how much work it was going to be.

I don’t like the big vacuum cleaner. I’m always afraid it’s going to eat my tail. However, the small one is more my size. It was my job to get in the corners and underneath the furniture.

When it came to cleaning the mirrors, I was halfway done when Mom put the glass cleaner on the rocking chair. How did she expect me to clean the mirror if I couldn’t reach the cleaner?

I thought I was done cleaning, but Mom pulled out the dust cloth and Pledge. No nap yet. It was time for dusting. I made sure the house sparkled and shined at the end of the day.

The best part of cleaning was the treats Mom gave me for doing such a good job.  She said I could help her next week too. However, I think I’ll take a nap instead. I’ve had my fill of cleaning for a long time.

