Who should I be today

Who should I be today?

I love being Shadow. I’m a carefree, spoiled-rotten, and ball-chasing Papillion. Some days, however, I’d like to be someone else.

Perhaps today I’ll put on my Harley Davidson cap, hop on the back of a motorcycle, and ride the back roads of Tennessee. I can already feel the wind blowing through my hair, my tail flapping back and forth like a windshield wiper.

Maybe I’ll pretend to be Sherlock Holmes and help Mom write her mystery book. I can use my cute little nose and sniff out the suspect. Or I’ll find a magnifying glass and find the hidden clue in a classified ad.

Perchance I’ll board a plane, fly out to the mountains of Utah, and go skiing. I can picture myself swishing down the bunny hill, maybe even doing a little freestyling. I’ll have to be sure to pack my red doggles—I wouldn’t want to be blinded by the brightness of the crisp white snow.

Who do you think I should be today?
