7 Tips to Write Powerful Sentences

Whether you write a letter for your boss, to the electric company, or a Yelp review, writing a powerful sentence will make your words stand out and grab attention.

My seven tips to create powerful sentences include:

  1. Avoid starting a sentence with any of the following words: The, A, And, But, When, Who
  2. Avoid glue words. Ninety-eight percent of the time, your sentence will be stronger when you avoid these words: so, if, in, on, that, was, about, just, get, think, that
  3. Avoid filler words. These words add no meaning to your sentence: like, okay, right, you know, well, I mean
  4. Your first and last words of a sentence are the most memorable.
  5. Be direct and get to the point. Trim any fat from your sentences.
  6. Avoid using passive voice. Use active voice instead. If you can add “by zombies” to the end of your sentence and it makes sense, you’re using passive voice.
  7. Quit using unnecessary instances of which, as, with, and while.

Find previous work you’ve written and check the tips above. Did you create powerful sentences?

Nancy Roe



  1. Dena July 7, 2020 at 8:45 pm -

    Thanks for the info….I feel I am doing it all wrong….need to check my Facebook posts at how my writing is!