
Going for a Walk

Going for a Walk

There is nothing better than going for a walk on a brisk winter day…

My Books

My Books

Books written by Nancy Roe…

Packing for a Trip

Packing for a Trip

Shadow recently packed for a trip…

Super Shadow

Super Shadow

Super Shadow is ready for Halloween…

Helping Mom Clean the House

Helping Mom Clean the House

I begged Mom to let me help her clean the house…

Who should I be today?

Who should I be today?

Should I be a motorcycle rider, sleuth, or skier…

Ready for fun in the sun!

Ready for fun in the sun!

Even dogs have to protect their eyes from harmful UV rays…

Introducing Shadow 365

Introducing Shadow 365

Introducing my new book, Shadow 365…

Organize The Nancy Way Book

Organize The Nancy Way Book

Organize The Nancy Way is the low-cost, fun, creative way to get your life in shape…