
National Fried Chicken Day

National Fried Chicken Day

National Fried Chicken Day is day to enjoy crisp and tasty, finger licking good fried chicken. This holiday is always celebrated on July 6. Fried chicken is typically made by…

July Fourth Rocks

July Fourth Rocks

These rocks are fun to make. You can use your creativity and decorate as you want. Place the rocks on your porch, by the sidewalk to brighten a passerby’s…

Earth Day is April 22

Earth Day is April 22

Earth Day was first celebrated in 1970, founded by Senator Gaylord Nelson. Earth Day is an event observed annually on April 22. It’s a day held to demonstrate and…

Paper Easter Wreath

Paper Easter Wreath

Easter this year falls on April 21st. You have plenty of time to make this cute wreath to celebrate the holiday. Supplies: Paper Plate Egg-shaped Cookie Cutter Plain and…

Valentine Tarts

Valentine Tarts

When you think of Valentine’s Day, what comes to mind? The color red, flowers, cards, chocolate, gifts, fancy dinner, dessert, anything in the shape of a heart, a romantic…

Popcorn Day

Popcorn Day

National Popcorn Day is annually observed on January 19th. Popcorn started to become popular in the United States in the middle 1800s. It wasn’t until Charles Cretors, a candy…

Chocolate Crunch Cookies Gift

Chocolate Crunch Cookies Gift

Don’t hate me for thinking about Christmas gifts already. If you need a gift idea for teachers, co-workers, neighbors, or family members, try this cookie mix in a…

National Black Cat Day

National Black Cat Day

National Black Cat Day is held each year on October 27 to recognize the beauty of black cats. Black cats are quintessential Halloween icons. Do you know how they got…

National Clown Week

National Clown Week

According to The American Heritage College Dictionary, clown is defined as: A buffoon or jester who entertains by jokes, antics, and tricks, as in a circus or play. One who…

Skin Cancer Awareness Month

Skin Cancer Awareness Month

Did you know May is Skin Cancer Awareness Month? Are you protecting yourself? Over 5 million cases of skin cancer are diagnosed in the United States each year. Skin cancer…