Yearly Archives: 2021

National Fried Chicken Day

National Fried Chicken Day

National Fried Chicken Day is day to enjoy crisp and tasty, finger licking good fried chicken. This holiday is always celebrated on July 6. Fried chicken is typically made by…

July Fourth Rocks

July Fourth Rocks

These rocks are fun to make. You can use your creativity and decorate as you want. Place the rocks on your porch, by the sidewalk to brighten a passerby’s…

Keyboard Shortcuts

Keyboard Shortcuts

Keyboard shortcuts are key combinations you can press on your computer’s keyboard to perform a variety of tasks. Because both of your hands can remain on the keyboard…

Fridge Treat Bins

Fridge Treat Bins

In the next few days or weeks, kids will be out of school and home for the summer. (Or this may help you to eat healthier.) Instead of stopping what…

Edible Plants

Edible Plants

Did you know that you may have flowers or plants growing in your yard that are edible? Cattails: Not only can you eat this plant (inner part of the plant…

Easy Hamburger Rice Casserole

Easy Hamburger Rice Casserole

If you are having a hectic week, this is one of the easiest meals to make. I’ll serve the casserole with green beans and fruit. Ingredients: 1 pound Ground…

Earth Day is April 22

Earth Day is April 22

Earth Day was first celebrated in 1970, founded by Senator Gaylord Nelson. Earth Day is an event observed annually on April 22. It’s a day held to demonstrate and…

Paper Easter Wreath

Paper Easter Wreath

Easter this year falls on April 21st. You have plenty of time to make this cute wreath to celebrate the holiday. Supplies: Paper Plate Egg-shaped Cookie Cutter Plain and…

English Isn’t Easy

English Isn’t Easy

The English language is confusing. There is no egg in eggplant, no ham in hamburger, and boxing rings are square. Even words that are spelled the same way sound different…

Toy Organization

Toy Organization

If you have kids or grandkids, you know that no matter how hard you try, their toys end up scattered all over the house. Do you wish you had a…